people sitting in front of table talking and eating

Meet the President

The Smith County Medical Society Alliance has a fabulous 2023-2024 in store for you!

I am so honored to serve as President this year and lead you through our exciting programs and community projects all while strengthening friendships with each other.  I am blown away by the talent, leadership skills, creativity, intellect and experience of our membership and everyone on this board.  You not only surpass my expectations but you are the reason we have 89 years of strength and success.

"Why are you a member of the SCMSA?"
Like you, I had to think about this a minute in order to articulate my personal reason why.  Perhaps it's for the fellowship, the unique understanding of challenges medical spouses face or for a place to serve others... it will be a different reason for each member.

Our alliance has a clear and strong "Why?" found in the mission statement.  But I also want you to think about and discover your personal reason.  The result-- what we do and how we do it will make sense, have purpose and renew your heartfelt commitment to membership in SCMSA.  I want to encourage you to bring a potential member with you as a guest to any of the programs and let's grow our impact to the community and medical families.